Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's almost time.  Tomorrow morning I leave for my semester on South Caicos, the fishing capital of the Turks and Caicos.  It's a pretty small island, with a population of under 2000 and an area of either 8.5 or 12 sq. miles, depending on what source you use.  Either way, it's tiny.  I'll be spending the next three months learning about corals and lobsters and environmental policy / resource management, and I'm pretty pumped.

Anyway, I spent the better part of the day putting the finishing touches on my packing and preparations.  I loaded up the Kindle and downloaded some nautically themed music to round off my collection, including some Alestorm, a Scottish pirate metal band.  Yarrrgh!

Well, I don't want to use up all my creative juices, considering that I haven't actually left for my trip, so I'm gonna stop here.  Will I enjoy my trip and come back "changed" in some way?  Will I effectively be able to communicate my thoughts, feelings, and experiences to you, the reader, over the course of these next few months?  How often will I actually end up posting to this blog?  Why, you'll just have to keep reading to find out!

 I need to buy a flag while I'm there.  This is too awesome.

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